An emotional evening here at Cian’s Kennels 

Meet Caiden, his gorgeous dog Julie and their family 

Instead of struggling to find the words, I’m going to share Pam’s (Caiden’s mum) caption –
“Thank you so much Cian’s Kennels for enabling sick children to see their pets in a safe space while in hospital.
This is really such a great service 

Caiden was so happy to see his dog Julie after been away from her for 8 days 

This day last week we though we were going to loose our baby boy, he was critically sick and we were told to prepare ourselves for the worst, that is something that will never ever leave us as parents. We are so greatful and blessed that he is still here with us and fighting 

He is ALWAYS smiling no matter what and he has gone through so much on this journey and so much just this week ALONE I don’t know how he is still standing 

My warrior 

We are honoured to have been able to play a part in Caiden’s journey 

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, and allowing us to share it with everyone else – it means more than we can explain